Gráinne Hamilton
Co-founder & Co-CEO, InterchangeGrainne has a background in architecting concepts, cultivating collaboration and helping organisations to navigate change. She has partnered with governments, NGOs, cities, sectors, companies, education institutions and charities to help them regenerate their services through open approaches. She has advised governments on open culture for future ready government and the workplace of the future, and through roles in higher education she has initiated and implemented strategies for the effective use of open learning and open recognition. Her significant work as a pioneer of digital open badges includes helping author the Open Badges standard, creating the concept and blueprints for open badge pathways, and informing digital credentialing policy in the UK and EU. Used by increasing numbers of organisations including global top 5 companies, open badges and their derivatives have revolutionised how an individual’s potential is cultivated and recognised, and transformed global learning and skills programmes. She has used open practices to foster sustainable collaboration across traditional boundaries to help geographically dispersed stakeholders create the blueprints for the award-winning Cities of Learning UK, and architected the use of open badge pathways to connect citizens to learning, employment and civic opportunities.