Katie Gamanji
Chief Future FounderKatie is a cloud native leader, practitioner, and contributor, currently in a Senior Kubernetes Field Engineer role at Apple. For years, as a cloud platform engineer, Katie has built the infrastructure for Conde Nast and American Express, gravitating towards cloud-native technologies, principles, and Kubernetes as the focal point. At CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation), she was a Technical Oversight Committee member and led the CNCF End User Community. At present, Katie advises the Keptn startup and holds the Chief of Future Founders Officer (CFFO) position at OpenUK.
Recently, Katie released the Cloud Native fundamentals course and led the creation of the CNCF KCNA (Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate) certification. Additionally, Katie is an active keynote public speaker, a #TechWomen100 winner, and a strong advocate for women in STEM.