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2021 OpenUK Honours List

2021 OpenUK Honours List

OpenUK is pleased to share its New Year’s Honours List


The 2021 Influencers are 100 top Influencers across the UK’s Open Technology communities

They hail from all walks of Open Source Software, Open Hardware and Open Data. This is the list of those to watch in UK leadership in Open Technology in 2021. All have influenced and are influencing Open Technology whether through social media, their jobs, community contributions, policy or education.

The British Honours system is something very specific to the UK and a means of rewarding an individual for their achievement or service. Medals are used within this system to recognise an activity or long or valuable service.

Congratulations to all of those listed. Enjoy the recognition of a New Year’s Honour from your peers at OpenUK and we look forward to seeing all that you will achieve in Open Technology through 2021.


Open Source Software

Adrian Bridgwater Journalist and Blogger Various
Adrian Woodhead Principal Software Engineer Big Data & Open Source Expedia
Alan Pope Developer Advocate Canonical
Alejandro Saucedo Engineering Director Seldon
Alex Housley Founder & CEO Seldon
Alexander Dean CEO Snowplow
Alina Ivanova Ambassador Arline
Alexis Richardson CEO WeaveWorks
Amanda Brock CEO OpenUK
Andrew Wafaa Director Open Source Communities Arm
Ben Everard Editor Hackspace
Carla Gaggini Head of Events Container Solutions
Cheryl Hung VP Ecosystem Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Chris Lamb Former leader Debian Project
Crystal Hirschorn Director of Engineering Snyk
Daniel Bryant Director Developer Relations Ambassador Labs
Danny Abukalam Product Engineer SoftIron
Dave Walker Senior Security Consultant QBE Insurance
Dawn Foster Director of Open Source Community Strategy VMware
Dominique Top Solutions Engineer Hashicorp
Eddie Jaoude Founder EddieHub
Henry Nash CTO Emerging Markets IBM
James Governor Analyst and Co-Founder Red Monk
James McLeod Director of Community FINOS
James Strachan Distinguished Technologist Cloudbees
Joe Ressington Podcaster Late Night Linux
Jonathan Riddell KDE Neon and KDE Plasma Coordinator KDE and Blue Systems
Josh Lowe Editor micro:mag & Winner OpenUK Awards, Young Person micro:bit
Justin Cormack Security Lead Docker
Kara de la Marck Community Manager Cloudbees
Katie Gamanji Ecosystem Manager Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Laura Czajkowski Developer Relations Manager Vonage
Leanne Kemp CEO Everledger
Liam Maxwell Director Government Transformation Amazon Web Services
Liz Rice VP Open Source Aqua Security
Mandy Chessell Distinguished Engineer IBM
Marc Cluet DevOps Ambassador Hashicorp
Mark Cox Distinguished Engineer Red Hat
Mark Hambleton VP Open Source Arm
Mark Shuttleworth Founder and CEO Canonical
Martin James VP EMEA Percona
Martin Wimpress Director of Engineering, ubuntu desktop Canonical
Martin Woodward Director Developer Relations GitHub
Matthew Barker President and Co-Founder Jetstack
Matthew Hodgson Technical Co Founder Foundation
Matt Jarvis Senior Developer Advocate Snyk
Melissa Di Donato CEO SUSE
Michael Meeks Director Document Foundation & VP Productivity Collabora
Neil McGovern Executive Director GNOME Foundation
Nick Jones Consulting Engineering Rancher Labs
Paul Sherwood Chairman Codethink
Phil Weir Director Flax and Teal
Richard Morrell Blackhat, Security Analyst and Podcaster Consultant
Richard Smedley Technical Writer Couchbase
Rob McQueen Chief Executive Endless OS Foundation & President, GNOME Foundation
Rob Taylor Director, Linux System Definition Open Invention Network
Ruth Cheesley MauticOpen Source Project Lead Mautic
Sami Atabani Director of Third Party IP Licensing Arm
Sarah Weldon Gamble Director Marketing and Communications Red Hat
Simon Elliston Ball Director Product Management Cloudera
Simon McVittie Developer & Winner Individual Open Source Software Awards 2019 Collabora
Simon Phipps Standards and Policy Director Open Source Initiative
Simon Wardley Thought Lord Wardley Maps
Sir Tim Berners-Lee Inventor of the world wide web W3C
Stuart Langridge Owner Kryogenix Consulting
Terence Eden Data Standards Authority Government Digital Services
Victoria Betton Chief Innovation Officer Mindwave

Open Data

Catherine Stihler CEO Creative Commons
Chris Taggart Co Founder and CEO OpenCorporates
Dan Brickley Developer Advocate Google
Fiona Neilsen Founder Repositive
Gaia Marcus Head of National Data Strategy Department of Culture, Media & Sport
Gavin Starks CEO Icebreaker one
Irina Bolychevsky Director of Standards NHSX
Jack Kelly Co Founder Open Climate Fix
Jason Evans National Wikimedian National Library of Wales
Jason Kitcat Director of Digital, Data and Technology Department for International Trade
Jeni Tennison VP and Chief Strategy Officer Open Data Institute
Jimmy Wales Founder Wikimedia
Julian Tait CEO and Co Founder Open Data Manchester
Louise Burke CEO Open Data Institute
Mike Nolan Founder Humanitarian Technologists
Rufus Pollock Founder and CEO Open Knowledge Foundation
Sara Thomas Scotland Program Coordinator Wikimedia
Tim Davies Director Global Data Barometer
Yodit Stanton CEO Founder & CEO Open Sensors

Open Hardware

Adam Stark MD MI.MU
Alan Wood Founder Folknology
Alex Bradbury CTO and Co Founder lowRISC
Andrew Back Founder Open Source Hardware Users Group
Andrew Katz Partner Moorcrofts LLP
Myrtle Shah Electronic Engineer Project Trellis
Ebrahim Bushehri CEO Lime Microsystems
Gareth Stockdale CEO micro:bit
Jenny Molloy Executive Director Beneficial Bio
Jeremy Bennett CEO Embecosm
John Laban Open Source Decarbonisation Catalyst Open Compute Project Foundation
Jonny Austin CTO micro:bit
Steve Helvie VP Channel Development Open Compute Project Foundation
Sue Sentance Chief Learning Officer Raspberry pi

Lifetime Achievement

Basil Cousins Director and Co Founder Open Forum Europe

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