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State of Open: The UK in 2021, Phase Two

The report comprises of three phases in March, July and October 2021.


State of Open Phase Two

Survey undertaken across UK Business and Industry in Q2, 2021, with output and case studies.

Key Findings:97% Of UK Organisations Use Open Source technologies and 89% run opens source software, According To OpenUK Survey; 53% of non-tech organisations contribute to open source software projects; 77% of UK public sector looks to open source for skills development; and Just over half (54%) have written policies and processes for open source contributions 

According to the report’s research, the vast majority of respondents (89%) run open source software internally in their business, while approximately two thirds (65%) contribute to open source software projects. This demonstrates the commitment that the UK has to  contributing to open source, either through leading projects that are used internationally or by helping international projects to improve.

The main reasons for adopting open source were cited as saving on costs (75%), more collaboration (72%), skill development (64%), the quality of code (61%) and security (52%). 

Phase Two has been sponsored by GitHub.

Download the Report  Read the Report

State of Open: The UK in 2021, Phase 2 and Survey interview of Dr Jennifer Barth by OpenUK CEO, Amanda Brock

State of Open: The UK in 2021, Phase 2

Case Studies

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