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OpenUK convenes the UK’s business, academic and technology communities working on or interested in open tech – including software, hardware, data, standards and of course… AI.

We bring this community together through events enabling this network and convene the conversations of relevance to them. We host and are building more Meet-Ups across the UK, as well as the State of Open Con taking place annually in London after FOSDEM.  Our calendar shares the events we organise, events we will attend and events of interest to this community.

Our world-leading recognition programme includes our Awards – the Oscars of open source – and Honours Lists.

We are *not* a pay-to-play organisation and everyone is welcome to take part in our activities – for info contact or our OpenUK “Community” Slack Channel.

Wherever possible our events are free but tickets are offered first to our volunteering community and this may mean that publicly available spots at our most popular events are very limited or not available.

Individuals can financially support us by becoming OpenUK Supporters. Supporters pay a rolling monthly subscription to support funding the organisation and in return the subscription allows individuals to:

  • Support the work of Open UK
  • Be part of a movement to promote Open Technology
  • Connect with other participants in our community, networking and mentorship

#Community Slack Channel

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