OpenUK’s State of Open:
The UK in 2023 Photo Exhibition sponsored by Arm
Photographs by Tiana Lea
The UK in 2023 Photo Exhibition sponsored by Arm
Photographs by Tiana Lea

Guy Podjany
Founder Snyk
Guy Podjarny (Guypo) is the Founder of Snyk, a Developer Security platform that helps developers and organizations secure their applications as they build them. Snyk secures millions of open source projects, and curates the primary industry database of known vulnerabilities in OSS, used by many foundations and enterprises .
Guy was previously CTO at Akamai, co-founded (acquired by Akamai), and was the product manager of AppScan, the first AppSec scanner, through Sanctum, Watchfire and IBM. Guy is a public speaker, O’Reilly author, and an active early stage angel investor.