2 February 2024, the date on which this report is launched is one of the most important dates in the history of policy and regulation in AI and openness.
While the report brings the reader up to date on the status of AI and Open Innovation/ Open Source in the UK, the UK House of Lords has also released its report on its Inquiry into LLMs and the European Commission is expected to share the text of its AI Act with a debate in the European Parliament.
The House of Lords report mentions OpenUK 10 times and quotes OpenUK in paragraph 32:
“Microsoft and Google said they were in general very supportive of open access technologies but believed the security risks arising from openly available powerful LLMs were so significant that more guardrails are needed. OpenUK said there were many different types of ‘open’ technologies, in the same way that cars and lorries are different types of vehicle, and suggested nuanced regulatory proposals were essential. Getty Images cautioned against “gaps in the fabric of regulations” that might exempt open models from obligations.”
OpenUK’s AI and Open Innovation report includes:
Interviews with Founders:
Toran Bruce Richards, Founder of AutoGPT
Emad Mostaque, Founder of the UK’s Stability AI
Cutting edge new data:
Data on AI and openness in UK-based repositories and contributors and globally using GitHub data worked on in association with Runa Captial
Literature review:
of the key reports since our July 2023 report including GitHub and Linux Foundation
Thought Leadership:
Professor Neil Lawrence the Deep Mind Professor of Machine Learning, University of Cambridge
Margaret Hartnett, Co-Founder, Progressio AI