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Uptime by Aiven

Pakhuis de Zwijger Piet Heinkade 179, Amsterdam

The conference for open source data in the cloud. Uptime brings together developers, architects, data engineers, DevOps professionals, and anyone who wants to learn about open source data tools. Presentations and discussions will cover everything from sharing best practices to building and operating complex systems at scale. OpenUK's CEO, Amanda Brock will be a Keynote […]

Event Category :

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022

Detroit, Michigan

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Detroit, Michigan from October 24 – 28, 2022. Join containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF, Vitess, Argo, Buildpacks, Cilium, CloudEvents, CNI, Contour, Cortex, CRI-O, Crossplane, dapr, […]

Event Category :

All Things Open, 10th Anniversary

Raleigh, North Carolina

We’re celebrating 10 years of All Things Open next October 30-November 2, and we invite you save the date and join us. Ten year celebrations are rare and we are beyond grateful, so we’re already planing some “out of this world” programming and events.

Event Category :

ODI Summit 2022


Join the ODI and OpenUK friends and colleagues at the ODI (Open Data Institute) Summit 2022! Amanda Brock will be hosting a panel on 8 November. This year’s event focuses on the last ten years of open data (and data across the spectrum). Hurry! Claim your free ticket now by clicking this link (first come, first […]

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