Machine Identity Management Summit 2022
VirtualOur Entrepreneur in Residence & JetStack co-founder Matt Barker hosts a discussion on how companies can successfully adopt cloud native and how Cloud Native Foundation can help
Our Entrepreneur in Residence & JetStack co-founder Matt Barker hosts a discussion on how companies can successfully adopt cloud native and how Cloud Native Foundation can help
Sponsored by Bristows Law Firm. In Association with Open Source Security Foundation.
TechNES FPGA Event, Keynote, “State of Open Source”, Solihull
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Detroit, Michigan from October 24 – 28, 2022. Join containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF, Vitess, Argo, Buildpacks, Cilium, CloudEvents, CNI, Contour, Cortex, CRI-O, Crossplane, dapr, […]
Cloud Native SecurityCon is designed to foster collaboration, discussion and knowledge sharing of cloud native security projects and how to best use these to address security challenges and opportunities. The goal is not just to propose solutions that incrementally improve what has come before, but to give room to breakthrough technology and advances in modern […]
Join us for our first London Meet Up on 25 October 2022 at 10 Chiswell Street, London, thanks to Avanade’s sponsorship. This month's event will feature Fergus Kidd and Szymon Duchniewicz from Avanade as speakers.
We’re celebrating 10 years of All Things Open next October 30-November 2, and we invite you save the date and join us. Ten year celebrations are rare and we are beyond grateful, so we’re already planing some “out of this world” programming and events.
Low Code Con 2022, Keynote, “State of Open Source”, Digital
Pasadena on March 9-12, 2023 The Call for Papers is open until December 02, 2022. Proposals maybe submitted via the SCALE website at: Details about previous presentations and activities at SCALE can be found at:
An annual gathering for Linux Foundation members that fosters collaboration, innovation, and partnerships among the leading projects and organizations working to drive digital transformation with open source technologies.
Join the ODI and OpenUK friends and colleagues at the ODI (Open Data Institute) Summit 2022! Amanda Brock will be hosting a panel on 8 November. This year’s event focuses on the last ten years of open data (and data across the spectrum). Hurry! Claim your free ticket now by clicking this link (first come, first […]
What is FutureStack? {Future}Stack is our FREE conference for software engineers by engineers where creators come together to see how end-to-end observability gives them the data to plan, build, deploy, and run great software. We’ll cover topics including alerts, best practices for tool consolidation, cloud migration, machine learning, and more...