Kids’ Competition
The competition and supporting course are designed to help equip students with the skills, knowledge and experience in Open Technology to begin their learning path around the meaning and principles of “Open”, using the UK designed and manufactured OpenUK Digital Glove kit, inspired by Imogen Heap’s MiMU glove, and BBC micro:bit, to kick off a skills learning process that will help the UK meet the challenges of tomorrow’s technology and build future leadership in Open Source Software, Open Source Hardware and Open Data.
Teams of 4 children with a supervising adult can register and submit their entry to the competition until 31st July 2022. Teams should have already received gloves in Autumn 2021.
Thanks to OKDO we have additional glove kits with micro:bits. For any teams who do not have gloves they can request a pack of 5 gloves with micro:bit by completing a Google Form. Gloves are subject to availability and will be shared first come first served.
Competition runs from 1st March 2022 to 31st July 2022
Entry Details
Entry is free. Qualifying groups of 4 children may enter, but only 1 group per participating school or community group may enter. The groups will be spread across the whole of the UK.
Our definitions of “Region” for this event are:
- England – North;
- England – South;
- Northern Ireland;
- Scotland; and
- Wales.
Entry details and requirements can be found under the Competition Terms.
Full details on how to participate will be made available under the Competition Guide.
One winning team from each Region will be recognised as a winning team and an overall winner will be chosen.
Regional Finalist Teams will be decided by a combination of their leader board scores against the specified criteria and the Judges’ decision as to the best video diary submissions.
Winners will be announced in September.
Wishing all the teams, the best of luck.
Winners and Prize Giving
5 Regional Finalist teams and an overall winning team of the OpenUK Kids’ Competition will be announced in September.
The competition is sponsored by Red Hat.
We are also grateful to OKDO for managing the manufacture of the Digital Glove, and to Nominet and the Open Data Institute for sponsoring the OpenUK Digital Glove giveaway, as well as MiMu for the inspiration.
Kids Course Team 2022