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Launching OpenUK’s MeetUp groups at a location near you (we hope) this autumn

London is live and running and Scotland will kick off in September. Details will be kept up to date on this page and on social media using #OUKmeetup

Join a local group to meet your peers from open source software, open hardware and open data.

Enjoy talks from Open Technology leaders or maybe try your hand at giving your first talk with our ‘First Time Five’.

Bring along any new swag you don’t have a use for and swap it for something you want in our Swag Swap – sustainability is at the heart of everything we do.

Refreshments will be served. Free to attend.

‘First Time Five’ speaker slots will give you the opportunity to put your name and voice out there. OpenUK will offer you one to one support and mentoring as a first time speaker, in advance of your talk from a recognised industry speaker in the OpenUK team.  We will record your talk, which can be shared should you wish, on youtube to support you with a video that you can use in later applications for conference talks. Step up and give speaking a try. We all have a talk in us and every good speaker began their speaking career thinking they had nothing to say…

If there isn’t a local OUKmeetup Chapter near you and you would like to launch one, contact MeetUp Master Mark Baker

Meet-Ups London


We look forward to meeting you then!

Join London Meet-Up Group

MeetUps Cardiff

Michal Poreaba is building our meetups in Cardiff. Click below to join this group.

Join Cardiff Meet-Up Group

MeetUps Yorkshire

Hannah Foxwell leads our meetups in Yorkshire. Check back later for more information on Meet-Ups in Yorkshire.

MeetUps Scotland

Kenny Coyle, Paul Adams, and Ashley Nicolson lead our meetups in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Stirling.

Click to join this group.

Join Scotland Meet-Up Group

Our Meet-Up Leaders

Michael Man
Meetup Master (“M4”)
Read more about the profile: Michael Man
Lewis Denham-Parry
Head of Training, Control Plane
Read more about the profile: Lewis Denham-Parry
Hannah Foxwell
Product Director, Snyk
Read more about the profile: Hannah Foxwell
Dominique Top
Solutions Architect at GitLab
Read more about the profile: Dominique Top
Ashley Nicolson
Head of Community, SalesAgility
Read more about the profile: Ashley Nicolson
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