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International Ambassadors

Ambassador Goals

Participate in OpenUK Projects; Promote OpenUK’s work in your country and globally; support OpenUK on social media; where appropriate support OpenUK at Events including slides in your deck; and encourage others to engage with OpenUK activities and Supporter Participation.

Ambassador Benefits

Profile on OpenUK website; opportunity to participate in Leadership events and activities; opportunity to write a blog for OpenUK; Represent OpenUK at events; attending regular Ambassador updates and participating in our Ambassador comms channels with group; input into the organisation, strategy and policy work over the course of the year; participation in our mentoring programs and MeetUps; and opportunity to participate in the our first international conference in 2023, State of Open Con23

If you would like to become an International Ambassador contact

Alois Reitbauer
Chief Technology Strategist at Dynatrace
Read more about the profile: Alois Reitbauer
Bart Farrell
Head of Community at the Data on Kubernetes Community
Read more about the profile: Bart Farrell
Blessed Tabvirwa
Lead Software Architect for MEDITECH International
Read more about the profile: Blessed Tabvirwa
Chris Lloyd-Jones
Head of Architecture & Strategy, Avanade
Read more about the profile: Chris Lloyd-Jones
Floor Drees
Staff Community Program Manager at Aiven
Read more about the profile: Floor Drees
Max Körbächer
Co-Founder and Cloud Native Advocate at Liquid Reply
Read more about the profile: Max Körbächer
Paolo Vecchi
CEO at Omnis Cloud
Read more about the profile: Paolo Vecchi
Paul Statham
Regional Commercial Director
Read more about the profile: Paul Statham
Sal Kimmich
Technical Community Architect, Confidential Computing Consortium
Read more about the profile: Sal Kimmich
Samson Goddy
Co-founder of Open Source Community Africa
Read more about the profile: Samson Goddy
Steve Helvie
VP of Channel, Open Compute Project
Read more about the profile: Steve Helvie
VM (Vicky) Brasseur
Author of Forge Your Future with Open Source
Read more about the profile: VM (Vicky) Brasseur
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