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OpenUK Research and Reporting Show and Tell September 2024

20 September : 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

OpenUK Research and Reporting Show and Tell September 2024

Opportunity to see the best of global research and reporting in open source software at OpenUK’s regular Research & Reporting Show and Tell.

Date and time


Fri, 20 Sep 2024 16:00 – 17:30 BST

About this event

OpenUK has been reporting on open source software since 2021 and encouraging a collaborative approach across the global research community, leading this with bi-monthly events.

Each meeting is free to attend and anyone is welcome to join and learn more about what research is being undertaken and the reporting coming down the line.

Show and Tell sessions are set for March 15, May 17, July 12, Sep 20, and Dec 06.

Attendance at this event is subject to the following OpenUK policies:-

If you would like to hear more about OpenUK, please sign up for our newsletter by clicking here.

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