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OpenUK January 2024 Newsletter 2

Zin Lwin
25th January 2024

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Dear Readers,

It’s all hands to the deck at OpenUK as our wonderful conference team work to get State of Open Con 24 into ship shape, collaborating with so many of our community – over 170 speakers, 50 DX partners, a whole raft of sponsors and our incredible Advisory Board. What made State of Open Con successful in 2023 was the community engagement around it, and that is what is powering it again this year.

There is however a great deal of focus on our year ahead, strategy and the necessary policy work as the UK shifts into election mode.

We will be sharing a short AI report before State of Open Con and our plenary sessions will focus on AI and open as well as on The Future of Digital and Open Source.  We are delighted to share 9 of our plenary speakers this week.

SOOCon24 is certainly bringing the Bay Area to London.

Details of the AI Policy Zone, including an AI Cafe, AI Consultation Room with Government Departments consulting the open source community direct for their opinions including the Home Office, and AI Showcase Cinema.

We will also share our Open Manifesto at State of Open Con.

House of Commons Skills Roundtable

Over 40 representatives of the open source community joined us in the House of Commons Committee Room 9 on 16 January to watch the OpenUK Skills Documentary and to explain to the gathered Parliamentarians what they do and how they are able to do that across the rural UK.

The Future of Open Source is Uncertain

This year’s State of Open Con schedule focuses on establishing the future of open source across software, hardware and data.

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2 Weeks to State of Open Con 24!

State of Open Con 24, is a unique conference sitting at the intersection of engineering, law, policy and business, but also through its inclusion of all areas of open technology – software, hardware, data, standards, AI and more. It takes place at the Brewery in London on 6 and 7 February, with a free-to-view stream of the plenaries and all 8 tracks. Our content has gone live across 8 tracks and we have already onboarded 170 speakers and 50 partners.

Tickets are on sale at the heavily subsidised price of £199 with free tickets available for community, students and the unemployed. We hope to see many of you join us as speakers, volunteers and attendees. For free tickets email

Schedule                                                            Ticket

We’re grateful to our sponsors whose generosity allows us to sell heavily subsidised tickets and support community tickets to make SOOCon24 an inclusive event. This is part of the EDI considerations that have led our event to receive a CHAOSS Gold Medal for a second consecutive year.

Our many table holders bring their projects and businesses to our Delegate Experience area at SOOCon24 so join us to meet them and learn more.

Skills Report Documentary

OpenUK Meet Up

OpenUK Glasgow Meet Up

The next OpenUK Scotland Meetup will be hosted at the BBC, Pacific Quay on January 31st. The talk will be hosted in the viewing theatre on the ground floor.

Sign up for Glasgow Meet-up

OpenUK London #11: Open Source Community

Join us on Tuesday 20th February for our 11th OpenUK London community meetup! Following up what will sure be a community-centric, fun and informative State of Open Con earlier this month, we think it only makes sense to focus on what makes open source unique – it’s community!

Thank you once again to Avanade for sponsoring the venue and providing the refreshments.

Sign up for London Meet-up

OpenUK in the Press

Making open source visible: Amanda Brock, CEO, OpenUK

Interviewed by Computing Editor Tom Allen, CEO Amanda Brock discusses open source from AI to security and her goals for 2024

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OpenUK details UK open source ‘heatmap’ & 2024 honours list

“One of the best things about my job. In 2024 we are celebrating 65 of the top code contributors to open source software across the UK,” said Amanda Brock, CEO of OpenUK. “We recognise your service and thank you.”

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EU amendment changes open source definitionThe future of open source inevitably involves a Security. Our CEO Amanda Brock talked to Cliff Saran at about the EU Cyber Resilience Act and its apparent redefinition of open source software.

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Europe’s controversial cyber resilience law gets a rewrite — now not as terrible as it was

“The revised CRA’s definition of open source did not align with “the accepted definition of open source software and the long established free software definition” or indeed definitions the commission itself had used in the past.” Reported by The New Stack

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Events OpenUK Will be Attending


March 14, 2024

22 Bishopsgate, London
England, EC2N 4BQ

Amanda Brock, CEO, OpenUK

Talk: “Will Opening AI Destroy Open Source Software?

Get Tickets

TRANSFORM 2024: Digital Service Public

May 8, 2024

Bern Town Hall, Rathausgasse 2, Switzerland

Amanda Brock, CEO, OpenUK

Talk: “Opening the public sector to the future”

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Events of Interest


3-4 February, Brussels

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. You don’t need to register. Just turn up and join in!

Get Tickets

To get more involved with our work, events and activities contact We host a calendar of all Open Technology Industry events and if you would like us to add your event we will share a form via There’s a lot of important work happening at the moment, particularly around the impact of AI, open source policy and a lot of fun to be had with OpenUK as we engage with our communities through MeetUps, Awards and other events.

I hope to see many of you at State of Open Con 24.



Amanda Brock, CEO

For information on anything in this newsletter or to get involved contact

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