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Dear Readers,
The last two weeks have seen OpenUK engaging with some of open source software’s largest foundations, the Cloud Native Compute Foundation which is hosting KubeCon in Paris and the Eclipse Foundation’s co-located event. OpenUK’s team including Anais Ulrich, Carla Gaggini, Liz Rice, Nicolas Vibert, Dawn Foster, Michael Cade, Andrew Martin and many more were speaking and hosting throughout KubeCon.
This week I am in China to speak at the OSPO Summit in Shenzhen and to spend the day in a “book club” with some of the 30 plus translators who have been translating the book I edited into Mandarin.
OpenUK Research and Reporting Show and Tell
OpenUK has been reporting on open source software since 2021 and encouraging a collaborative approach across the global research community, leading this with bi-monthly events. These events will take a more structured format in 2024 and you can sign up to them on Eventbrite.
Each meeting is free to attend and anyone is welcome to join and learn more about what research is being undertaken and the reporting coming down the line. The recurring sessions will be on July 12, Sep 20, and Dec 06.
Date & Time: Friday, May 10 2024, 16:00 – 17:30 BST (Online Webinar)
Agenda: Host – Amanda Brock,
Speakers – Dr Dawn Foster discussing the “CHAOSS” project research and metrics, Chris Howard “EPAM” Reporting, and Dr Jennifer Barth will cover “OpenUK Survey and Economics of Open Source Report” which will launch on 3 July.
Register for Research and Reporting Show and Tell
OpenUK MeetUp
OpenUK London #13: Jobs in Open Source
Join us on Tuesday 23rd April for our 13th OpenUK London community meetup where we will look at the Open Source jobs. Thank you once again to Avanade for sponsoring the venue and providing the refreshments.
Sign up for London April Meet Up
OpenUK 5th Awards 2024
OpenUK’s 5th annual awards will launch in April and include a Gala dinner and awards ceremony at House of Lord, thanks to Lord Wei’s sponsorship, on 28th November. If your organisation would like to become a category sponsor please contact admin@openuk.uk and look out for our Awards annoucements.
OpenUK Survey
OpenUK’s 4th Survey will take place in May. Each year’s survey is used to provide critical data here in the UK allowing us to work on economic analysis of open source software. We have recently seen Harvard’s reporting with Linux Foundation shift to an approach like OpenUK’s looking not at the cost of replacing software but at the value generated, validating our approach.
Please do participate in the survey and watch this space for more information on how. If your organisation would like to become a dissemination partner please let us know.
The report sharing the outputs of our research will be launched at the Digital Catapult in London on 3rd July, with an afternoon of panels and evening drinks reception.
OpenUK in the Press

OpenUK on Podcasts
Amanda Brock, CEO, OpenUK chats with Dan Lorenc & Professor Chinmayi Sharma about the CRA in a Linkedin livestream recording: “A Conversation on Software Liability” |
Amanda Brock, CEO, OpenUK is featured in the Secret Leaders Podcast: “My Favourite Failure: Losing £500k on an event that should’ve been the start of my new career” |
Peter Farkas joins Mike at State of Open Con 24 for a Podcast: ”Document Database FerretDB” |
Events OpenUK will be at
Events of Interest
As well as sharing upcoming events in our newsletter, our website hosts a calendar of all Open Technology Industry events and if you would like us to add your event we will share a form via admin@openuk.uk.
Amanda Brock, CEO
For information on anything in this newsletter or to get involved contact admin@openuk.uk