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OpenUK May 2024 Newsletter 1

Zin Lwin
7th May 2024

Read the newsletter                                                            Sign up for the OpenUK newsletter

Dear Readers,

I hope that you had a great bank holiday weekend and that the sun shone on you wherever you were.

The UK election will likely take place this autumn and we plan to deliver our Open Manifesto to the political parties as that is called. Please take a moment to review it and add your and hopefully your company and other organisations’ support by signing up to it.

On 3 July we will again convene the conversation on the challenges in open technology when we launch our Summer Report on the economics of open source at the Digital Catapult in London. Sign up will open next week.

We will have some very special guest speakers at that event and the outputs of our 4th annual survey looking at the impact of open source on the UK economy. As the first organisation to shift to measuring open source’s value rather than cost we will continue with this work and were delighted to see Harvard follow that value orientated approach earlier this year.Our Survey to gather the necessary data from you will launch on 14 May.

We will host a second Thought Leadership Day continuing this conversation which will take place on 23 September.

Our fifth Annual OpenUK Awards will take place at the House of Lords on 28 November. The Awards are the Oscars of Open Source and one of the most sought after tickets in the global Open Source calendar. With only 120 attendees no tickets are sold and all shortlisted nominees receive a ticket, so there is a very good reason to join the nominees. Look out for the nominations opening in June.

OpenUK’s Open Manifesto

OpenUK’s Open Manifesto sets out three critical asks for Government in this year when we will see a major election in the UK.

We hope that both individuals and companies will lend their support to this document and its asks of government before it is delivered to the various political parties.Please take a look at the manifesto and add your support by signing up.

We will also be providing a letter for you to share the manifesto with your prospective parliamentary candidates once the election date is announced.

Read and Sign up to OpenUK’s Open Manifesto

UK AI Sectoral Analysis Survey

The government is undertaking research to understand the UK’s artificial intelligence sector and how it is growing. The research informs government policy on artificial intelligence.

Participate in the Survey

OpenUK Research and Reporting Show and Tell

OpenUK has been reporting on open source software since 2021 and encouraging a collaborative approach across the global research community, leading this with bi-monthly events. Each meeting is free to attend and anyone is welcome to join and learn more about what research is being undertaken and the reporting coming down the line.

Date & Time: Friday, May 10 2024, 16:00 – 17:30 BST (Online Webinar)

Agenda: Host – Amanda Brock,

Speakers: Dr Dawn Foster discussing the “CHAOSS” project research and metrics, Chris Howard “EPAM” Reporting, and Dr Jennifer Barth will cover “OpenUK Survey and Economics of Open Source Report” which will launch on 3 July.

Register for Research and Reporting Show and Tell

OpenUK MeetUps

The last London meetup focused on Open Source Jobs and thanks to Jennifer Riggins leadership we are now seeing 150 sign ups for our meetups.

Photo: OpenUK London #14: Cybersecurity

Join us on Tuesday 21 May for our 14th OpenUK London community meetup where we will be talking about all things Cybersecurity. Thank you once again to Avanade for sponsoring the venue and providing the refreshments. Details of our next Scottish Meetups and Digital Meetup will be with you shortly.

Sign up for London May Meet Up

OpenUK in the Press reports on Amanda Brock celebrates UK open source contributions alongside Runa Capital’s new ROSS Index release

Read now reports on Software Freedom Conservancy’s lawsuit against Vizio. ‘The open source movement experiences “growing pains”’ quoting Amanda Brock

Read now

IT Pro considers what openness is in AI in the context of Meta’s Launch of Llama 3

Read now

Discussing the IBM acquisition of Hashicorp and its impact on Cloud and open source with Cliff Saran at Computer Weekly

Read now

Tech Informed reports World in Disruption: Trust in Rust

Read now

IT Pro reports Why Flux CD’s survival is another major victory for the open source community

Read now

OpenUK joins Rust Foundation

OpenUK has joined the Rust Foundation as an Associate Member, creating a partnership to exchange resources and collaborate on the future of Rust language. If you would like to get more involved contact

Events OpenUK will be at


CommCon London 2024

CommCon London 2024

CommCon London 2024

Events of Interest

CommCon London 2024

CommCon London 2024

As well as sharing upcoming events in our newsletter, our website hosts a calendar of all Open Technology Industry events and if you would like us to add your event we will share a form via

There is lots more to come your way over the next few weeks and I hope to see you at an event soon.


Amanda Brock, CEO

For information on anything in this newsletter or to get involved contact

Sign up for the OpenUK newsletter

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