Dear Reader
This week we have an awful lot to share with you and number one on the list is our Survey, for Phase Two of the OpenUK Report State of Open and number two is our 2021 Awards. Nominations are now open!
Phase 2 Report: Survey
Do you work for a business with a presence in the UK? Do you have friends at management level or above who work for a business with a presence in the UK? Would you, or they, be willing to complete a short survey about their use of Open Source in their workplace?
This survey will only take 10-15 minutes and explores open source software uptake in businesses with a UK presence. This data will be used in Phase 2 of our State of Open Report, which will be published on 7th July with a summer party.
Awards 2021
Nominations are now open for the Second Edition of our awards, sponsored by Bristows. We have 8 categories this year: Hardware; Software; Data; Financial Services; Sustainability; Belonging Network; Young Person (under 25); and Individual.
Nominations are open until the 13th June so get nominating yourself, others, companies or projects. You can find further information here.
Future Leaders Training
Richard Fontana – The AGPL, Network Copyleft and the Cloud
Friday 21st May at 16:00
Our next Future Leaders Speaker will be Richard Fontana who is a Senior Commercial Counsel at Red Hat. You can sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/154445100453
Our final West Coast Edition of the Future Leaders Sessions will take place on the 28th May with Luis Villa. Keep your eyes pealed on our website for more information later this week.
Although you can become a Supporter at any time, if you want to be able to vote in our first board elections, you will need to be signed up as a Supporter by May, and you can do that by visiting: https://openuk.uk/become-a-supporter/
Industry News
- Have you seen our latest Blog Post by James Geddas on Geek.Zone – building communities and speaking about mental health. Read the full post here.
- Data sovereignty: what approach should the UK take? Join Amanda Brock on a panel with John Whittingdale, Minister of Stare for Media snd Data, and others on Wednesday 26th May at 10.00 – 11.00 to learn more. Register here.
- Heroine Entrepreneurs – (60 seconds or less): Women tell their story of becoming and being an entrepreneur – the challenges, the successes, the highs and lows, along with their hopes and dreams as a woman entrepreneur which will be shared to celebrate the first Commonwealth Women’s Entrepreneurship Summit.
- As part of our Belonging Network we are proud to promote Berlin Buzzwords Diversity ticket program, which are fully funded. For more information click here.
- Join Amanda Brock from 3:10-3:50 on 24th May on a Panel Discussion on Data and Digitalisation with OFGEM. Register here.
- Register now for Open Source Lisbon on the 17-18th June to hear Amanda Brock, CEO and many other fantastic speakers!
- Inclusive Naming is looking for Opensource projects that are working on terminology / naming changes to talk at DevOps world.
I hope that you will be able to complete our survey and make some nomination for the Awards.
All the best,
Amanda Brock