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17 May 2023 – Newsletter

Michelle Angert
17th May 2023

Today we have two launches:

1. 2023 State of Open Survey

Phase one of our State of Open: The UK in 2023 Report set the scene for the UK, and in the next 3 phases we will be delving into the economics, skills development and UK maturation in open source, with the help, of course, of your survey responses.

Survey runs from today until 4 June and we appreciate both your completing this and sharing it widely!!

2. Open Technology for Sustainability Day CFP – closes noon Wednesday 24th – for your brilliant proposals for the Open Technolog for Sustainability Day where we will again set the Sustainability agenda for Open Tech. Please share your brilliant ideas. This event will be largely curated and there are only a few spots.

Having 3 Bank holidays and a coronation in May hasn’t stopped the OpenUK team who had a strong presence at Open Source Summit North America where Dawn Foster, Liz Rice, Sal Kammich and I spoke.  Back in London we were pleased to support Sam Hepburn and Kim Fletcher’s work at Devoxx London with a stand hosted by Jim Davies & Michelle Angert.

State of Open 2023 Phase One Report

Hard to believe that 4.5% of the UK population has a Git Hub account – more per capita than any country in the world. You can find out more about the UK open source software landscape in Phase One of our 2023 report. Our survey is now live. Data from this will be used to update the economics of UK open source software, in our Phase Two report this summer. That report will also begin to tackle the weighty topic of AI.

Complete the Survey

Upcoming OpenUK Events

OpenUK Meet Ups

Our next London Meet Up is on 24 May with OpenUK Board Director and VMWare Director of Open Source Community Strategy Dawn Foster is joined by Canonical’s Director of Kubernetes Engineering Alex Jones. (Please note date change to 24th)

Our London meet-ups are going from Strength to Strength. Join us in May and June for yet more great speakers, a chance to meet your peers and pizza and beer sponsored by Avanade.

Join the London Meet Up Group

We are planning Meet Ups across the UK and will shortly share details for Scotland, the midlands, south west of England and more.

If you are interested in getting involved by giving a talk or organising our Meet Ups – contact and Mark Baker who runs our Meet Up team will be in touch!

State of Open Subset

State of Open Subset weekly digital talks include topics from across the 7 tracks of State of Open Con. This allows some of the speakers who didn’t manage to speak at SOOCon23 to speak and covers topics that we didn’t dive deep into at the conference.

Upcoming speakers include Ruth Ikegah (23 May) and Amanda Brock (30 May). Register now to join us.

Register for Upcoming Subset Talks

All talks are available online after the live date. You can watch Tom Meadows, Peter Farkas, and Andy Piper on our YouTube channel here. Do follow us on Youtube for more. #stateofopencon

OpenUK Town Halls

18 May 8am & 5pm will see us sharing an update at our Town Hall – an opportunity to keep up to date with what’s going on at OpenUK and to find out how to get involved. The 8am Town Hall will be recorded and available on our YouTube Channel.

Register for Town Halls

Open Technology for Sustainability Day

OpenUK’s free to attend Open Technology for Sustainability Day – Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh on 14 September. Highlights will include keynotes by global sustainability leaders including Salem Avan Director of Policy Strategy and Governance Division at the United Nations. Look out for more Keynote announcements with the full content next week.

We’ll be talking about updates to OpenUK’s COP26, Patchwork Kilt Data Centre Blueprint, and new EV Charging Blueprint. Plus, we’ll be looking ahead to COP28. Leanne Kemp, OpenUK’s new Chief Sustainability Officer, and Blueprint Lead Chris Lloyd-Jones will be leading the charge in these discussions.

Content will include both curated and CFP- call for proposal- content.

The CFP will run from today to the 24th of May at noon.

View CFP

Get Tickets

Save the Date – OpenUK Summer Picnic

Mark your calendars for OpenUK’s Summer Picnic happening on 25 June in Regents Park and across the UK. More details shortly.

Report Quoted by McKinsey

GitHub’s Octoverse and McKinsey’s “Why an SBOM program is necessary,” both quote OpenUK State of Open Reports. OpenUK’s research and reports constantly push boundaries and lead globally on the economic modelling and analysis of open source software.

OpenUK in the Press

UKtech50 2023: The longlist of the UK’s influential tech leaders

CEO Amanda Brock named in the Computer Weekly longlist for the 50 most influential people in UK tech.

Read More

Events of Interest

The Cyber Resilience Act and Open Source Software

25 May 2023

Register for this OFE Event

Events OpenUK Will be Attending

CEO Amanda Brock will keynote the Scottish Council for Development and Industry Forum 5-6 June.

DevOpsDays Birmingham will see an OpenUK stand on 15-16 June at Millennium Point in Birmingham.

OpenUK is recruiting! We are looking for an entry level Community Manager. More

info in the Community Manger job description, apply via

I look forward to seeing many of you across the coming weeks and am grateful to all of you who support the distribution and completion of our survey.

OpenUK would not be OpenUK without all of your support.

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