Dear Reader,
Incredibly February is halfway through and the year is already panning out to be filled with great opportunities for OpenUK as you’ll see in this newsletter.
Open Source in Health and Social Care Survey – Closing 18th February
OpenUK is supporting the NHS to understand how staff across health and social care work with open source practices and platforms. We’d like to hear from all healthtech staff regarding your experience building digital tools and publishing your code. The survey closes this Friday, 18th February. Complete the survey here
We are also hosting 6 workshops, each with a different focus: Regulation, Legal, National Governance, Local Governance, Technical Implementation, Commercial.
Please contact admin@openuk.uk if you are interested in any of these workshops.
We’re Hiring!
We’re looking for someone to work 4/5 days a week in a full time role as Admin Support Manager, and you can see the Job Ad here.
Volunteers Wanted!
We’re also looking for some pro bono technical support to hep with Sys Admin and CRM Manager. Get in touch at admin@openuk.uk if interested in helping out.
Kids Competition 2022
The Kids Competition returns this year with registration opening this week. The competition runs from 1st March to 30th April. Keep an eye on our website and social media – where details to register will be shared soon.
There will be 5 Regional Winners and 1 National Winner – winners will be announced on 9th June.
Future Founders – Free Training Sessions and Mentoring
First three Future Founders sessions are now available to watch on our website.
Session 4 on Friday, 25th February will see Matt Barker discuss Sales in Open Source Businesses with Lee Wright, Paul Holt, and Victor Tuson Palau. Register for this and future sessions via Eventbrite.
These sessions are free to attend and anyone anywhere in the world can join. These will also be recorded and shared online for anyone who can’t make the sessions.
Click the button below to register for the training sessions.
OpenUK Founders Forum mentoring will be offered to a small group of UK based individuals. Matt and I will select interested Founders or potential Founders from applications received. We’ll match mentees with our team for one to one mentoring sessions and to offer support for the evolution of an ever stronger UK Open Technology business ecosystem.
Participate in International Groups
OSPO Alliance
OSPO Alliance was launched by European non profit organisations and concerned individuals to promote an approach to excellence in open source software management. Anyone can join this initiative. Find out more
IEEE Computer Society Open Source Software Project Governance PAR Study Group
Microsoft’s Stephen Walli is leading a Study Group to determine if there’s enough interest to develop a recommended practice for open source software project governance. Read More Here
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee is looking for new members for 2022. This year’s event will take place at the House of Lords in November.
Anyone interested in joining the Awards Committee should contact admin@openuk.uk
Learning Committee
OpenUK’s learning and skills work continues with:
- competition for High School students
- development of a Knowledge Module for Apprenticeship schemes, planned to be launched in 2022
- collaboration with Universities to build OpenUK Ambassador program and University Modules
Anyone interested in joining the Learning Committee which inputs into this work should contact admin@openuk.uk. The next Learning Committee Meeting will be 8th March 2022 at 10am. An agenda will be shared closer to the time.
Join us as an Ambassador
Want to get more involved? Become an ambassador or let us know you would like to be part of our leadership team by contacting admin@openuk.uk
Events OpenUK Will Be At
Shortlisted: Women in IT Woman of the Year Award – 28th February
I have been shortlisted for the Women in IT Women of the Year Award. This would not have been possible without the hard work of everyone participating and supporting OpenUK. Thank You.
The Women in IT Awards will be held at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House, London on 28th February 2022.
4th Annual Global TPN – 9th – 10th March
PHP Conference – 16th-18th February 2022
The Brewery, London
Find out more here
There will be lots more to share in two weeks time and I look forward to sharing with you then.
Amanda Brock