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OpenUK The Open Manifesto 2024 Newsletter

Zin Lwin
31st May 2024

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Dear Readers,

The PM has called a snap election on July 4th and OpenUK was ready to share its Open Manifesto with the world, with 3 asks for the UK’s Future government. These relate to Skills development in open source in the UK, Enabling the public sector to do Open Source better, and AI openness. Please take a moment to read the manifesto and sign up as an individual, organisation or both.

We are often asked how to get involved in policy.

The best way to do this is to build a collective voice by signing our Manifesto and taking 20 minutes to complete our survey. The survey allows us to have the data to discuss open source creation and usage as well as the economic value it generates in the UK.

The Open Manifesto

The Open Manifesto sets out 3 critical asks for the future government in the UK. Please lend your and your organisation’s support to this document which will be delivered to the various political parties when the election is called.

We will also be providing a letter for you to share the manifesto with your prospective parliamentary candidates once the election date is announced. Currently we are awaiting contact details for PPCs to be publicly available.

Read and Sign up to OpenUK’s Open Manifesto

State of Open: The UK in 2024 Survey and Report


Our Annual Survey is open and we would be grateful if you are UK-based if you would please complete the survey. The more you can complete the better. This is the 4th year we have conducted our survey and each year we build more of a picture of the UK, detail that no other country in the world has about its usage of open source.

The data is critical data in our economic analysis of the UK and open source software. Harvard’s economic reporting shifted in its approach this year beginning to focus on the value generated by open source rather than the cost of replacing the software. This focus on value generation has been utilised in OpenUK’s analysis for the last 4 years and we are delighted to see others shift to this approach. Your contribution is enabling bleeding edge economic analysis of open source.

Please spare 20 minutes and take the survey, your data will make a difference.

Take the survey now

State of Open: The UK in 2024 Phase Two The Open Manifesto Report

Our Phase Two report will pick up on the subjects of our Manifesto:

  • Developing open source software skills in the UK
  • Enabling better public sector curation of open source
  • AI openness

And will of course include our economic analysis based on the survey data.

State of Open: The UK in 2024 Report Launch event and Summer Drinks

The report launch will see Chief Research Officer Dr Jennifer Barth and CEO Amanda Brock share the output of our survey and research along with an afternoon of panels and keynote speakers. Topics will include Skills, Public Sector AI and of course the economics of open source. Keynotes will include the economist Will Hutton and OpenUK AI Advisory Board Chair Professor Neil Lawrence.

The Report launch will take place in London on 3rd July, 12:00 – 5:30 pm and will be followed by a summer drinks reception 5:30 – 8:30 pm. Space is limited so please book soon.


OpenUK in the Press

AI Business reports the world will be watching the next AI Safety Summit in May in Korea to see how the open source UK AI platform is received

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Computing reports how the UK can stay one move ahead in AI policy chess

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The Stack reports The UK election manifestos and the importance of a tech mission

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Politico quotes CEO Amanda Brock on reacting to Baroness Stowell’s House of Lords response to the UK Government on copyright and AI

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I am grateful to you for your ongoing support of OpenUK and for your time in signing up to the Open Manifesto and taking our survey and sharing both of these across your social media, and digital communication channels with colleagues and friends.

Together we are able to bring a cohesive voice to the UK open source community.

Best wishes,


Amanda Brock, CEO

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