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OpenUK Awards – Diversity and Need based Scholarship – Join us and receive a goody box

Amanda Brock
26th September 2020

We are so excited to be hosting our Awards on 20 October thanks to the Sponsorship of Bristows law firm.  As with many things this year, I was really gutted in March when we thought that the Awards scheduled for June would have to be cancelled. Bristows have been great and we agreed firstly to move to October 20 and then to move online.

They have kindly not only hosted the event catering but also a platform on which the evening will be hosted.

As a thank you for all the hard work we are inviting all of our speakers and volunteers from our work groups, Board and Leadership Team to join us and will be sharing a Goodby Box and event brochure in advance. Thanks to FINOS, who sponsored our Open Source software in Financial Services award, we will be sharing 7 places and goody boxes with Diversity Scholarship winners.

As you would expect the criteria is…. diverse 😉

You can see it here

You can apply to join us on 30 September and receive a goody box here until 30 September

Our Awards ceremony will celebrate UK Leaders in Open Technology in the following categories

Awards will be presented in 6 categories:


Young Person

Open Source Software

Open Hardware

Open Data

Open Source in Finance (sponsored by FINOS)

Our Award Trophies are created by our Trophy sponsor Garner Osborne

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