OpenUK CEO Amanda Brock in a no holds barred interview with The Waffle Podcast, our new podcast partner.
This is a chat with OpenUK CEO, Amanda Brock, who has built one of open source’s most impactful organisations. As the Executive Producer of State of Open Con, Amanda’s a globally sought-after keynote speaker. A lawyer with 25 years’ experience, she’s been instrumental in shaping open source’s legal frameworks, as she was internet law during the early 2000’s. Amanda regularly contributes to discussions in tech, and she edited “Open Source: Law, Policy and Practice”, 2nd edition, published in 2022. She has been recognised by awards including Computer Weekly 50 Most Influential Women in UK Tech, Computing IT Leaders 100, and Women Who Will. Amanda is on various advisory board roles, including the UK cabinet office open standards board and UKRI digital research infrastructure. In this conversation, we explore climate change, open source governance, neurodiversity, and lots more. Enjoy!
Amanda’s website: https://amandabrock.com/ OpenUK: https://openuk.uk/ State of Open Con 25: https://stateofopencon.com/
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