The Open Compute Project Foundation (OCP), a collaborative community focused on redesigning hardware technology to efficiently support the growing demands on compute infrastructure, will hold its annual Summit online this week May 12th -15th.
The Summit moved online due to the COVID-19 crisis. Registration for the virtual event is free and open to executives, engineers, technology architects, adopters and more from all over the world to practice social distancing while engaging in valuable networking and educational opportunities.
The OCP Virtual Summit will be an interactive format that incorporates all of the key components of the Global Summit, including Keynotes, Expo Hall Talks, Executive Tracks and Engineering workshops. In addition, the online event will offer virtual Q&A, panel discussions, one-on-one connections with attendees, exhibitors and sponsors. Unique to the Virtual Summit, the Expo Hall will remain open 24/7 providing the ability for attendees to visit exhibitors anytime.
“OCP has worked tirelessly to shift our major event from live to virtual in a matter of weeks, which is no easy task,” states Bill Carter, Chief Technology Officer at the Open Compute Project Foundation. “We are thrilled our virtual 3D interactive event will be able to reach an even larger global audience while providing the high-caliber networking, education and collaboration opportunities our valued attendees, exhibitors and sponsors are accustomed to.”
To register for the 2020 OCP Virtual Summit and Symposium, click here. Registration is free of charge and can be experienced on a laptop or desktop computer with no additional equipment or software required.
About Open Compute Project Foundation (OCP)
The Open Compute Project Foundation (OCP) was initiated in 2011 with a mission to apply the benefits of open source and open collaboration to hardware and rapidly increase the pace of innovation in, near and around the data center’s networking equipment, general purpose and GPU servers, storage devices and appliances, and scalable rack designs. OCP’s collaboration model is being applied beyond the data center, helping to advance the telecom industry & EDGE infrastructure. www.opencompute.org