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WomenTech Global Conference 2021

WomenTech Global Conference will feature a full week of live events hosted daily from June 7 - 11, 2021 across various timezones including Americas, GMT & APAC. WTGC will enable participants to create […]

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Berlin Buzzwords 2021

Berlin Buzzwords is back! And they cannot make any promises on the WHERE (virtual or onsite), they can tell you WHEN! June 14 - 17, 2021 Join Amanda Brock where […]

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Open Source Lisbon 2021

Powered by Syone, Open Source Lisbon is the biggest Open Source event in Portugal. ​This year, they will have a two-day online event to celebrate the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union […]

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Data Sharing for Data Science

Combining data in surprising ways is a powerful technique in data science. For example, weather data combined with the right economic indicators can improve retail demand forecasting, but weather data […]

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OpenUK Office Hours

Twice monthly update with OpenUK CEO. Hear more about our work and ask any questions.

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Kubernetes Community Days UK 2021

Kubernetes Community Days UK is a virtual event bringing together the cloud native community from across the UK to learn, network and collaborate. Kubernetes Community Days UK is supported by […]

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